Don't Fake It And Still Expect To Make It

"Just fake it till you make it!" How many times have you heard this before? It sounds simple enough but that doesn't mean it actually works. Think about it...

If you're coughing and sneezing, by pretending like you're not sick, will you suddenly be all better?

If you're confused about something you learned in school, by pretending like you understand it, will you automatically pass the test?

No matter what the situation is, you can't keep pretending you're okay when you're not - that's called being in denial. 

Ignoring a problem and acting like it's not there is not a solution.  All that does is hurt yourself and potentially those around you in the long run.

Instead what are we to do?

The only way to truly get help for something is to first address that you have a problem in the first place. Know that it's okay to ask for help because that's exactly what God wants us to do.  

1 Peter 5:7 (AMP) says "casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]."

No matter how big or how small the issue is, God really cares. It could be a class you're struggling with in school to a fight with your friend or much bigger like a major medical crisis or even the death of a family member.  

Whatever it is, don't be in denial and don't try to fake it instead be honest and upfront because asking God for help is the only way to guarantee you'll make it.

