Every Day Beautiful


It's Wednesday, which means as you scroll through your Instagram timeline, you're bound to see plenty of pics of beautiful women of all ages and races - some famous and some not.

Maybe someone picked you or maybe not. But as you look at all the #wcw posts, do you find yourself comparing how you look to the picture in front of you?

Maybe she has longer hair? Maybe her eyebrows are on fleek? Maybe she has lighter skin? And before you know it, you start picking yourself apart.

Psalm 139:14 says, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." 

Understand this, you will never look like the next girl and you were never meant to. Each and every one of us is uniquely hand-crafted by God. Don't let someone else's beauty cause you to question your own and if no one else tells you, remember you are beautiful this Wednesday and every day.
