Fab Friday Spotlight: Gianni Graham

In this week's Fab Friday Spotlight we're highlighting Gianni Graham. The 9-year-old from Virginia is on a mission to collect 1,000 Barbies.

Many little girls could only dream of having a doll collection that size but for Gianni, these toys aren't for her to play with - but to share. 

It all started shortly after Christmas. Gianni says she was playing one day when she got an inspiring idea.

"...it just came to me that I could collect Barbies to help girls in need," Gianni told ABC News.

From that ordinary day, an extraordinary project was born: "1K Barbies for 1K Girls" The goal: to collect 1,000 new Barbies to donate to 1,000 girls living in homeless shelters.

A photo posted by @1kbarbiesfor1kgirls on

"Girls in shelters deserve the same things we have," Gianni told ABC News.

Gianni's started out with just a few dolls but as of this week, her collection has grown to over 800 and counting - with donations pouring in from all across the world.

A photo posted by @1kbarbiesfor1kgirls on

Each Barbie that's donated gets wrapped with girly flair - a box with pink paper and hand written notes with encouraging words like "I hope this brings you joy," and "This is given to you as a friend."

Once all 1,000 Barbies are collected, they will each be given away to a little girl in the Virginia area.

We salute Gianni Graham for her hard work, dedication and desire to make life a little brighter for girls in need - one doll at a time.

To learn more or to donate to "1K Barbies for 1K Girls" check out the following links:

**UPDATE** Gianni reached her goal! Yay!

Today was very exciting and emotional at the same time . My babies dream became a reality and I'm forever grateful for all of the support from everyone . #upcenter#1kbarbiesfor1kgirls

Posted by 1k Barbie's for 1k girl's on Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Thank you to everyone from all across the world who helped Gianni reach her goal of #1kbarbies. We are not finished ,...

Posted by 1k Barbie's for 1k girl's on Thursday, March 3, 2016

