Accomplishing Your #LifeGoals

#LifeGoals - everybody has them right?  Maybe you want to finish high school and go to college? Maybe you want to start your own business? Maybe you want to be a doctor? Maybe you want to travel? Whatever goals you've set, when you're young sometimes you can't quite see all the necessary steps it will take to accomplish them. Whether you've got a list a mile long or you're still not sure what you want to do, there are three key factors to keep in mind when it comes to reaching your goals:

1. Keep God First: You are not here by accident - God created you for a reason. Think about your gifts, talents and the things you enjoy doing. He put those in you as tools to use to fulfill your purpose and to accomplish your goals. But you have to keep Him first in order to be successful.

2. Get Your Education: School doesn’t stop at high school, that’s just the first step. College is a great next step. Yes it can be expensive but there are many options that can help. (Ex: Going to community college for 2 years then transferring to finish up your last 2 years). Other options include trade/vocational schools as well. Whether you want to be an entrepreneur, an artist, a lawyer or anything else, education is key. How can you be successful in something without first being knowledgeable?

3. Stay Focused: There are so many different things that can distract you. Think about the choices you make, because there will always be a consequence to your actions. One decision (good or bad) can affect the rest of your life.

·      Friends: Choose your friends wisely and don’t get caught up hanging with the wrong crowd. Make sure you surround yourself with people who influence you in a positive way.

·      Boys: Don’t be fooled, they really do come and go and it’s not the end of the world when they leave. Don’t let a relationship hold you back from your future. If someone really loves you, they wouldn’t want to distract you but they would support you in accomplishing your goals.

Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." At the end of the day, remember that God's got your back. So no matter how hard it gets, how far away your goals seem or how many people tell you it's impossible, do not get discouraged but keep pushing and He will make your dreams a reality.

