Pretty Is As Pretty Does

You ever met someone and their outfit of the day was fabulous from head to toe but their attitude was horrible and you're left thinking, "How could someone so pretty be so ugly? It reminds me a lot of the phrase "Pretty is as pretty does." I remember hearing some variation of that saying as a kid but it wasn't until I got a little older that it really made sense. 

For all the girls out there who spend the majority of their day in front of a mirror or taking selfies, I've got news for ya - looks aren't everything. No matter how much effort we put into how we look, it's our personality, our character and how we treat people that determines whether or not they want to be around us. 

Yes God created us beautifully and there is nothing wrong with embracing that in our style, hair and makeup. However it becomes a big problem when we put so much effort into the outside that we neglect the inside.

The Bible says in Proverbs 31:30, "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

Ladies we are so much more than our looks. Yes...I'm talking to you - you are more than your 22 inch Brazilian weave, more than your favorite Mac lipstick, more than your fresh out the salon manicure, more than your straight off the runway clothes - yes you are so much more than all of that.

The saying is true - "It's what's on the inside that counts." And nothing counts more on the inside than Jesus Christ. A true relationship with God is the first place you should start. With Him, your true beauty will shine from the inside out.

